NtkTool · bfc and ntkcalc wrapper gui

Description: NtkTool is a wrapper application for bfc4ntk and ntkcalc. It's bundled with required windows64 and linux64 binaries

Information: This tool is bundled with required bfc4ntk and ntkcalc. It will unpack them during runtime to its current directory and will delete them on exit. If you dont want it to overwrite existing files, add a file called .dontoverwrite to the same path as NtkTool and it will not touch existing files.

Manual operation:

Extract allows to:
- extract a FullComp (d) binary at default offset 0 or provided offset to filename@<offset>.rbn
- extract a PartComp (x) binary at adress 0x00B0000 to filename.rbn
Compress allows to:
- compress a binary file to a FullComp (c) archive "filename.bcl"
- compress a binary file to a PartComp (p) archive "filename.bcl"
The "Run" button will change its text once it's clicked to give you a rough idea whats happening behind the gui. (validating, packing, revalidating, ....)
The Log text area will show you stdout and stderr outputs from the native windows applications

Quick unpack:
Load a compressed PartComp or FullComp binary and the tool will detect all BCL partitions and list them below. You can quick unpack the partitions using the Unpack button. The raw binaries will be stored using this naming convention: filename@<offset>.rbn

Download: NtkTool v0.4

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